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The Dry Bird Bath

Writer: Daryl CapponDaryl Cappon

Every Saturday morning...

I have a standing date with my parents for breakfast.  They have an open invitation to all family members at State Street Diner for breakfast at 7;30... Grandpa’s buying... Free Breakfast?  Count me in...

My favorite part...

Of our breakfast times together is listening to all the stories birthed from the weekly escapades of the family.  My nephew, Jessie, usually has the best life experiences from managing the Dairy Queen, but my dad, at 89 still flying through life with a chain saw in one hand and a shotgun in the other, keeps up with the story telling pretty well.

So... it was with great surprise...

Last week, my wonderful mom piped up with a story of her own.  And... she prefaced it by saying, “I’ve got a Wildmen Life lesson for you to use.”  Having my full attention, she shared her story..,

According to mom...

The Dutch Cappon home has a bird bath which constantly goes dry.  It has a bubbling fountain in the middle which, after filling the bird bath, shoots the water over the side and empties the bath.  Dad, with all of his mechanical know how, adjusted everything on the bubbler he could think of, but to no avail. 

Mom, sitting on the back porch...

Watching dad fiddle with the thing, noticed the birdbath stand looked to be slightly off level, tipping ever so slightly to the side.  Mentioning this to her Master Mechanic husband, he went to his shop and returned with his level.  Sure enough, the bubble wasn’t in the middle.  Using some shims, he got the bird bath perfectly level and plugged the bubbler back in.  A nice gentle flow of water ran smoothly off the side of the bubbler and into the birth bath... no splash... no shooting over the side... problem solved.

Mom said, “You know?" 

"It made me think about daily being in the Word.  The Word is like shims keeping you on the level.  Remove the shims and you easily get off level.  Get off level and the power and flow of The Holy Spirit in your life runs dry.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, mom... 

The only thing I have to add is a couple of verses... Ephesians 5:25-26, “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.”

I’ve been through dry times...

In my life and have found myself way off level in my thoughts, words, and actions.  it’s only been by turning back to God’s precious Word, can I get the bubble back in the middle.  Thank you, Lord, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)




daryl cappon

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